Search and Compare

Search DW

Search and Compare DW

Search and Compare:
result(s) found

Liquidity Level
New DW
Top Volume
DW Code
Bid Price Bid Volume
% Change Effective
Sensitivity Sensitivity
(Index Point)
Time Decay
First Trading
Last Trading
Updated on
(Minimum 15 mins delayed)

How to use the search and compare tools?

What is the Search and Compare Tools?

To facilitate DW investors to compare variety features of DW based on risk and return (for more detail of DW click , this tools will support for all DW41 and other DW in the market including DW on Thai stock Thai Index Foreign Indices and Foreign Stock.

How to search and compare DW?

3 Steps to search for DW41 and other DW in the market which covers underlying on Thai Stock Thai Index Foreign Indices and Foreign stock

Step 1: Input underlying name

Step 2: System will display DW based on criteria, then click "Compare" to display in comparative view for investment planning purpose.

Step 3: Before next search, please click "Reset" to reset existing information

How to interpret the Search and Compare results on DW41 and all DW in the market ?

  • Understand the structure of DW ticker

    Old ticker format

    UUUU + 41 + C or P + YYMM + A to Z
    UUUU is 4 digits of underlying short name
    41 is J.P. Morgan issuer number
    C or P is Call DW or Put DW
    YYMM is Year and month of last trading day of the product
    A to Z is series of DW which differentiate
    characteristic of the product
    A-F is focus on high gearing
    T-Z is focus on low time decay
    The characteristic will be outstanding during the listing date but it is depended on market movement.

    New ticker format

    UUUUUU + 41 + C or P + YYMM + A to Z

    UUUUUU is 6 digits of underlying short name
    It is the only different between old ticker format and new ticker format

  • Effective Gearing is used to explain approximately percentage change of DW when underlying move 1%

  • Sensitivity is used to explain the movement of DW compared to the movement of underlying If sensitivity equals to 1, it can be explained as following

    • TH Stock DW: Stock moves 1 tick, DW will move 1 tick.
    • HK Stock DW: Stock moves 5 ticks, DW will move 1 tick.
    • SET50 Index DW : SET50 Futures moves 1 index point, DW will move 1 tick.
    • S&P500 Index DW : S&P500 Futures moves 2.5 index points, DW will move 1 tick.
    • Nasdaq-100 Index DW: Nasdaq-100 Futures moves 10 index points, DW will move 1 tick.
    • Dow Jones Index DW: Dow Jones Futures moves 20 index points, DW will move 1 tick.
    • MSCI China A50 Connect DW: MSCI China A50 Connect Futures move 1 index point, DW will move 1 tick"
  • Time Decay (Days) is used to explain average no. of day to lose 1 tick by calculate on calendar day
  • Time Decay (%) is used to explain percentage of time decay per day by calculate on calendar day
  • Moneyness(%) is used to measure current status of DW whether it is In the money (ITM), At the money (ATM) or Out of the money (OTM)
  • Implied Volatility (%) is used to measure how expensive of the product compare on the same underlying, strike price and maturity. The higher Implied volatility, the more expensive of the product
  • Last Trading date: Last day that investors can trade DW, on next day, DW will be suspense (SP)
  • Maturity Date: Last day that DW is listed on the exchange and DW will be delisted on next day